Our Portfolio

Walkability Application Pilot Study in Egypt

Cairo - Egypt
Jul 23’ - Nov 23'
Data Collection, Non-motorised Transport

The main objective of the project is to develop a proof-of-concept and pilot the use of the Walkability app in Egypt. The project aims to assess the user-perceptions of walkability in both the inner and outer city contexts within 6 public transit catchment areas. The project has the following objectives:

  • Provide a user-based perception reporting tool (the walkability application) to assess walkability in the different areas of Inner and Outer Cairo.
  • Learn from the positive and negative reported pedestrian experiences in Cairo, to influence the future design, delivery, and management of pedestrian environments – especially in public transit catchments.
  • Identify the priority areas of intervention by governmental stakeholders to consider improving the pedestrian-built environment.

Low Carbon Transport Future in Zambia

Lusaka - Zambia
May 23’ - Ongoing
Data Collection, Analysis, GHG Modeling, Capacity Building, Research, Passenger Information

The aim of the project is to implement a people-centered research agenda that revolves around comprehensive mapping of the public transport system in the urban and peri-urban areas of Lusaka. Our main areas of involvement focuses on:

  • Creating a comprehensive, digital database for Lusaka’s paratransit network.
  • Build a GHG emissions Model for the network.
  • Build the local capacity for Zambia’s OSM community , civil society, and government stakeholders to do the mapping themselves in the future.
  • Transit map design

Economic Impacts of Women Lack Of Mobility in The Middle East and North Africa: Build Environment Audit

Cairo - Egypt
Oct 22’ - Nov 22'
Data Collection, Data Analysis

The aim of the project was to collect data and information (that is perform an audit) of the built environment of 50 public transport locations in Greater Cairo Region. These locations were geographically well distributed and representative of the various types of bus stops in Greater Cairo Region.

TfC Data Lab

COP 27 Travel Guide Booklet

Sharm El-Sheikh - Egypt
Aug 22’ - Nov 22
Data Visualization, Passenger Information Systems

This project aims to ease the mobility of delegates, attendees, staff and personnel of the COP27, but also acts as an initiative to support the Sharm Green City Project and in branding Sharm El Sheikh to be an environmentally sustainable tourist destination. The travel guide booklet included:

  • Background/incentive information
  • From/to and within COP27 Venue
  • Getting around Sharm Sheikh
  • Tourisitc information

Electric Bus Demonstration Project: Detailed Planning and Design Study for Cairo Transport Authority (CTA)

Cairo - Egypt
Oct 22’ - Ongoing
Data Collection, Analysis, Modelling, Transport planning, Research, Needs Assessment, Capacity building

The project aims to implement E-Buses in Cairo and provide valuable lessons on their operational requirements, with a long-term objective to scale-up e-Bus deployment.

  • Assessment and market briefing on e-mobility, with emphasis on public transport services
  • Propose a set of service and operational design alternatives for e-bus operation
  • Support CTA to determine a final project design and operational plans of the e-bus demonstration project, based on consultations with stakeholders informed by adequate evidence and analytics.
  • Analyze existing conditions and market potential of Non-Motorized Transport (NMT), including bicycles, e-scooters, pedestrians, etc.
  • Develop a multi-year plan for the Government of Egypt to scale-up e-buses based on the lessons learned from the technology’s demonstration project in Greater Cairo context.

TfC Urban Mobility Lab

Digital Transport for Africa - Technical Support for Cities to go Beyond Mapping

Alexandria, Kumasi, Maputo
Apr 22’ - Jan 23
Data Collection, Analysis, Capacity Building

DigitalTransport4Africa with funding from French Development Agency (AFD) and leadership of World Resources Institute (WRI) have tasked Transport for Cairo (TfC) to provide technical support for selected African cities to go “Beyond mapping”. The exercise consisted of (a) assessing and choosing an African city to provide technical support, and (b) define the activities and outputs of this technical support based on the city’s specific needs. The exercise was done for three cities:

  1. Kumasi, Ghana: With a strong communication line between WRI and Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly’s Department of Transport.
  2. Alexandria, Egypt: With TfC leveraging their existing partnership with the UPGRADE+ team at the Arab Academy for Science & Technology (AAST) university in Alexandria.
  3. Maputo, Mozambique: With a willing and proactive partner found in Observatório da Mobilidade (OMT).

Greater Cairo Region Mobility Assessment and Public Transport Improvement Study - Household Survey

Cairo - Egypt
Mar 22’ - Jun 22
Data Collection and Data Analysis

This is a household survey assessing working women’s access to mobility data for an empirical estimation of the role of public transport systems for women’s access to economic opportunities. The survey covered the Greater Cairo Region (GCR) and focused on themes such as household consumption, users preference to using different public and private transport modes, their travel patterns and the effect of COIVD-19 on those patterns. The survey also covered aspects of livelihood and contained a comprehensive travel diary of the respondents. 

TfC Data Lab

Capital Express (LRT) Maps

Cairo - Egypt
Feb 22’ - Jun 22
Data Visualization, Passenger Information Systems

The project is to create LRT’s Maps with the following objectives:

  1. Provide a complete map design package that covers all potential use cases;
  2. provide a user-friendly, bilingual passenger information experience to serve the diversity of potential passengers;
  3. highlight the integration with Green Line 3 and potential other public transport services to attract more ridership including car owners;
  4. understand and complement the line’s brand with a unified design language.

Needs Assessment of Public Infrastructure Service Management

Alexandria, Asyut, Beheira - Egypt
Nov 21’ - Jul 22
Research, Capacity Building, Needs Assessment

The project is implemented across three Egyptian cities with the following objectives:

  • Enabling the local authorities and stakeholders to (1) Identify key areas of improvement in the mobility and public spaces sectors (2) Effectively plan, and (3) Monitor the applied measures
  • Developing a capacity development plan that tackles competence gaps
  • Building a base of replicable  knowledge and processes

TfC Urban Mobility Lab

Using New Urban Mobility Data in Accessibility Analysis

United States, Egypt
Dec 21’ - Dec 22
Research, Modelling, Data Analysis

Accessibility analysis has gained importance in transport and land use integration research, planning and policy making.

The study focuses on the following objectives and applies them to four different cities:

  1. Incorporating realistic travel times in the analysis
  2. Integrating NUM modes in the analysis
  3. Operationalizing equity parameters into the analysis framework

New Urban Model for Casablanca

Casablanca - Morocco
Apr 21’ - Dec 21’
Data Analysis, Modelling

The World Bank is creating an urban equilibrium model for the city of Casablanca. The model aims to capture the relationship between a city’s spatial form and productivity.

The purpose of this project is to create a high-granularity spatial model of employment that would directly feed into the urban equilibrium model. Given the lack of publicly available spatial employment data, innovate methods are used to create this dataset.

TfC Data Lab​​

Development of a BRT System in Cairo’s Ring Road

TfC Data Lab

Greater Cairo Region - Egypt
Jun 21’ – Oct 21’

The study’s objective is to propose recommendations for a BRT system to be implemented in the northern section of the Ring road.

TfC was part of a consortium that carried out the following tasks:

  • Task 1: Data analysis
  • Task 2: Alignment
  • Task 3: Service delivery solution

TfC’s main focus was on Task 1, to provide data and insights to support tasks 2 and 3.

Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) in 6th of October City

6th of October City, Greater Cairo Region - Egypt
Sep 19’ - Jun 21’​​
Data Collection​, Sustainable Travel planning, Transport planning

The Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning (SUMP) process was launched successfully and phased over distinct phases. 

Phase 1 ended with the first report comprising a diagnostic of the present situation, future scenarios and a future vision of 6th of October City in Cairo. The second phase was designed to set actionable targets and to develop an effective package of policy and investment measures to meet them.

Exploring the Potential of Minibus Electrification in Three African Cities​

TfC Urban Mobility Lab​​

Nairobi, Cairo,​ Cape Town, ​ New York
May 20’ –​ Aug 21’
Research, Policy Paper

The study examines the viability of paratransit electrification as a policy option to effectively tackle public health, climate change and equity challenges in three African cities: Cairo, Nairobi and Cape Town.

TfC drafted the Egypt component of the comparative review, including a review of the energy, transport and finance sectors; SWOT analysis of electrification and developing policy recommendations therefor. 

Ghana Urban Mobility and Accessibility Project (GUMAP)

Accra, Ghana
Feb 21’ – Jan 22
Data Collection, Data Analysis, Capacity Building

Funded by SECO, the project aims at diagnosing Greater Accra in order to prioritize actions to address the core mobility and accessibility issues.

TfC is providing capacity building and advisory services to complete the transport data collection and data management scopes of the assessment. This includes giving direct access to the RouteLab technology platform to the local authorities and ensuring they collect the relevant data.

TfC Urban Mobility Lab​

Greater Cairo Region Mobility Assessment and Public Transport Improvement Study

TfC Data Lab​

Greater Cairo Region, Egypt
Oct 20’ - Apr 22’
Data Collection​, Data Analytics

The study proposes public transport investment projects to improve efficiency and environmental footprint of the region’s economy. It will also address inclusiveness challenges by providing safer, more reliable, and more comfortable experience for all and especially women, vulnerable groups, and people with special needs. 

Greater Cairo Region, Egypt
Feb 21' - Apr 21'

The objective of this project was to design the new official transit maps for the 3rd Cairo Metro Line as part of the Rebranding Project for Green Line 3, newly operated by RATP Dev Mobility Cairo (RDMC). TfC designed six different maps, such as the Metro Network map, the Ticket guide maps, the Station Neighborhood maps etc.

TfC Maps (PIS Lab)

TfC Urban Mobility Lab

Kampala, Uganda
Nov 19' - July 20'

In 2019 AFD commissioned us to conduct a study map the public transport network of Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area (GKMA). In 10 weeks we collected the data  using our Route Observer application, observing 1492 trips and 587 routes operating out of Matatu stages across GKMA. Video feeds were used for traffic counts and machine learning algorithms were used to classify vehicles across selected sections for analysis.

Greater Cairo Region Digitalization

Greater Cairo Region, Egypt
Apr '19-Aug '19
Data Collection

In 2019 the World Bank commissioned TfC to complete the map with only 2 months of mobilization time and 3 months of mapping time, producing fully functional GIS and GTFS databases.

TfC Data Lab

Multimodal Transport Strategy for the Greater Cairo Region

TfC Urban Mobility Lab​

Greater Cairo Region, Egypt
Oct '18-June '19
Multimodal transport planning, Accessibility Analysis
The WB contracted TfC to choose the 3 optimal corridors for public transport interventions and ideal locations for 10 Park-and-Ride facilities. TfC conducted a metropolitan level analysis of accessibility across 1613 places in the GCR at the present, and compared it with the expected impact of all alternatives to arrive at the most impactful options. This required the creation of a comprehensive spatial employment model, a population distribution model, metropolitan level analysis of traffic using Big Data and other methodological innovations.

Digital Mapping of Addis Ababa Transport Network

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Jul 18’ - Oct 18’
Capacity Building, GIS, GTFS

The WRI contracted TfC to provide capacity building to the Addis Ababa Transport Authority and Addis Ababa University to digitize the paratransit and bus networks, and create one single integrated GIS database. The data was then locally converted into GTFS and was made openly available on the DigitalTransport4Africa. platform.

TfC Data Lab

Analysis of Ride-hailing Data

TfC Data Lab

Greater Cairo Region, Cairo
Ride-hailing Data, OD-Analysis

As part of the Multimodal Transport Strategy for the Greater Cairo Region, TfC analysed a representative sample of ride- hailing data provided by Careem. The 5 million+ dataset was transformed into an origin-destination matrix which helped identify the most travelled routes.

Mwasalat Misr Map

Greater Cairo Region, Cairo
Dec 17’ - Feb 18’
Schematic Transit Map, GIS, GTFS

Mwasalat Misr contracted TfC to provide a schematic map for their bus routes and interchange options within their network and with Cairo’s metro lines. We helped with choosing best location for their stops network, and we produced GIS and GTFS for those lines was used by MM in their journey planning app.

TfC Maps (PIS Lab)

Digital Cairo

TfC Data Lab

Screen Shot 2019-07-29 at 1.11.51 PM
Greater Cairo Region, Cairo
Oct 17’ - June 18’
Data Collection, GIS, GTFS, Research

Expo Live supports the Digital Cairo consortium as part of a cohort of projects and solutions from around the world whose solutions generate social and environmental value and are in line with Expo 2020 Dubai’s subthemes of Opportunity, Mobility and Sustainability. Expo Live will harness the convening power of a World Expo to demonstrate how innovations coming from all places and people can advance the pace of progress and inspire a more inclusive and prosperous future.

Towards Transit-Centric New Desert Communities (Policy Paper)

Greater Cairo Region, Cairo
July 17’ - Dec 18’
Policy Paper

This policy paper suggests solutions for utilizing urban mobility within the New Desert Communities (NDCs) to improve the living conditions of existing residents and attract more people to currently vacant housing, rather than simply continuing to focus on expansion.

TfC Urban Mobility Lab​

How Transit Mapping contribute to achieving Adequate Urban Mobility (Policy Paper)

TfC Urban Mobility Lab

Greater Cairo Region, Cairo
Dec 16’ - April 18’
Policy Paper

Public transport will influence our mobility patterns, urban shape, social equity and economic performance for the coming decades. This policy paper – prepared by Transport for Cairo and Takween Integrated Community Development – outlines how mapping public transportation can achieve adequate urban mobility and achieve lasting sustainable development.