Collecting and managing mobility data of large cities is challenging. RouteLab digitizes and streamlines the processes we have developed over years of informal transit mapping.

A comprehensive, evolving cloud computing platform provided by TfC to enable the development of data-driven solutions to complex urban mobility problems

  • Efficient field research mobilization. Up to 75% reduction in data collection costs
  • Quick and easy data cleaning, validation and aggregation
  • Derive insights from videos and CCTV
  • Export data in standard formats including GTFS


RouteLab Dashboard is a fully-fledged field research project management tool.

Exert full control over geographic and temporal sampling and follow up on field research progress in real-time.


Observer mobile app allows for automated assignment of field researchers to tasks based on pre-defined sampling.

Quality assurance techniques such as geo-fencing & live-tracking.


Clean and validate incoming raw data.

Export data easily into GIS & GTFS formats.

Automate Section Counts

Lens module is built on a machine learning model that’s adaptable to all kinds of context-specific classified section counts.

The tool can take basic camera or CCTV video feeds as input.

Transforming African Paratransit

We help African cities envision and build sustainable mobility systems that make a distinctive and lasting impact on economic growth and quality of life in urban areas.

5 African Metropolitans Mapped

Interested in scaling data collection for your city?

We'd love to hear from you!