Global NDC Template for Popular Transport | COP29
COP29, or the 29th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), will take place in Baku, Azerbaijan from 11 to 22 November 2024.
Popular transport services, which are publicly provided but privately operated, emerge in nearly every fast-growing city in low- and medium-income countries (LICs and MICs). While mini- and microbuses are the most used popular transport modes in Africa and Latin America, two-and three-wheelers (2/3Ws), including tuk-tuks and motorcycles, are prevalent in Asia.
The Global Network for Popular Transport (GNPT) and Transport for Cairo (TfC) are proposing a global NDC template for Popular Transport, which is being partly funded by the Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI).
Global NDC Template for Popular Transport
Urban transport emissions could reduce by 12% with a combination of measures, including vehicle efficiency improvements for popular transport. That would accounts for 4% of total transport reductions. (ITF-OECD, 2023). Despite serving an estimated 68% of motorized trips in many developing cities, only two countries currently include popular transport in their NDCs.
This template aims to recognize popular transport’s emission reduction potential and integrate it into global climate action helping countries get ready for NDC 3.0. It complements existing NDC frameworks for rail, public transport and active mobility.
About GNPT
The Global Network for Popular Transport (GNPT) connects stakeholders worldwide to advocate for and improve popular transport systems.
NDC Template
Access the detailed template for incorporating popular transport into NDCs. Working draft to be finalized before COP29.
Background Paper
Understand the context and importance of including popular transport in NDCs. Working draft to be finalized before COP29.